Friday, August 13, 2010


What is EM ?
Effective Micro-organisms, or EM is a group of human friendly and
beneficial bacteria (phototropic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, and yeast). It
was originally created by in Japan by Dr. Teruo Higa. It is a natural cultured
bacteria. The use of Effective Micro-organisms Technology has broadened
from agriculture to water treatment, odor control, animal husbandry, human
health, and numerous other industrial treatments.
Usage of EM
· Eliminating bad odour (in urinal bowls, garbage dump, sewage, shoes,
animal faeces, animal slaughter houses, etc.)
· Digest wastes, sludge in waste water treatment plants, oil & greases
trap, clogged drains.
· Inhibit the growth of algae to improve water quality. Treatment for
cooling water in cooling towers with anti-oxidant properties and antiscaling

· Elimination of body odour of pets and animals and their bedding.
· Control of food flies.
· Control of pathogenic bacteria (Clostridium, Vibrio cholerae,
Staphylocossus, E-Coli, Salmonella-by bacteriocin action.
· Decrease BOD, and increase efficiency of treatment plant (saving in
chemicals and electricity consumption)
Safety and Health Information
EM® Activated Solution is tested and certified safe for human, animals and
surrounding environment by Food Research Center Foundation of Japan.

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(EM1)’ solution. There are a few tips I would love to share with you on how you can determine the quality of EM1 that you just bought.

#1: Pickled smell, sweet and sour

Firstly, go with olfactory test. They smell like pickled fruits/vegetables with a little bit of sweet and sour. Not sour and pungent or bold and stink. Foliar fertilizers can have different smell e.g. pungent, stink depending on materials used. But for EM1, a good batch of bacterial solution always smells pleasant.

#2: pH below 3.7

Some vendors provides pH paper for testing. But without proper protection for the pH paper, they give error reading due to moisture absorption in long period of time. You need a pH meter pen probes for alternative. Good EM1 and EMAS shows pH reading below 3.7. For pH 4.0 that is considered deactivated. Optimum pH is 3.5.

#3: Relative density

Weight 1 liter of EM1 solution you just bought. For instance it weight 1.1kg for 1 liter of EM1, its means the relative density is 1.1kg/L. Keep a record of EM1 that you buy.

Different materials have different density. Water density = 1kg/L, molasses = 1.5kg/L. So if the vendor had diluted your EM1 with 20%-40% of water earlier, you might notice the density is different with normal range.

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